Florence, Decree for the Armenians, A.D. 1439:
"Holy Baptism holds the first place among the Sacraments, for it is the door into the spiritual life, since by it we are made members of Christ and of His Body the Church. And, since by the first man death came upon all, unless we are born again of water and the Holy Spirit we cannot, as the Truth says, "enter the Kingdom of Heaven" (Jn iii,5)."
Are protestants members of Christ and of His Body the Church ?
Benedict XV, Encycl. Ad beatissimi, Nov. I, 1914
"There is no need then, for qualifying words wherewith to signify one's profession of the Catholic faith ; it is quite sufficient for a person to say: "Christian is my name, Catholic my surname" (St. Pacian, Ep. i, P.L., xiii, 1055) ; a man has only to strive to be in reality what these names signify." (Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vi, 577.)"
And would Pope Benedict XV write that a man has only to strive to be also in protestantism if the word "Christian" would signify protestants as well ?
Can a protestant reading this Encyclical say: "That is great I am in this reality because I am a Christian." ?
Canon 87
"64. By baptism a person becomes a subject of the Church of Christ, with all the rights and duties of a Christian, unless as far as rights are concerned there is some obstacle impeding the bond of communion with the Church, or a censure inflicted by the Church. (Canon 87.)"
Do protestants fulfil a duty of professing the True Faith resulting from their baptismal vow ?
Is there some obstacle impeding the bond of communion with the Church, or a censure inflicted by the Church for protestants ?
The Holy Baptism is inextricably linked to professing the True Faith, so protestants can not call themselves Christians because of the reception of the valid Holy Baptism.
Taking everything into consideratiion, it is impossible for the Code of Canon Law ("Canon 1325 §2") to call protestants and orthodoxes Christians, page 2724 on the bar.
https://ia600306.us.archive.org/1/items/1917CodeOfCanonLawCommentary/1917CodeOfCanonLawCommentary.pdf "Canon 1325 §2" "defines three classes of Catholics who have suffered "shipwreck of the faith". The first class of heretics who, having been baptized, retain the name of Christians, but obstinately deny or doubt some of the truths that must be believed by divine or Catholic faith."
Unfortunately I could not find a link to the 1917 Code of Canon Law in so-called Polish. In so-called Italian it is possible that there is no link to the whole 1917 Code of Canon Law as in so-called Polish and its summary is difficult of access
http://www.cdirittocanonico1917.it/index.htm "Benvenuti nel sito Codice di Diritto Canonico 1917 in Italiano.
Il presente sito si pone come scopo il colmare la lacuna della rete riguardo al testo in italiano del Codice di Diritto Canonico del 1917. Il presente testo era disponibile, solo dopo accurate ricerche, come 5 file PDF scansionati, senza possibilità di selezionare e copiare il testo per relazioni, ricerche, tesi, studi, ecc.
Il lavoro di questo sito è stato elaborare i file in questione (trovabili alla pagina Testo Originale) con un programma OCR (Riconoscimento Ottico di Caratteri) e correggere gli errori relativi al riconoscimento che non è sempre perfetto.
Ci scusiamo per alcune correzioni non riuscite.
Il testo è disponibile direttamente online alla pagina Versione Online ed in PDF alla pagina Versione PDF.
Buona Consultazione."
It is interesting, isn't it ?
The original text is a summary of the Code of Canon Law of Cardinal Vincenzo la Puma
http://www.cdirittocanonico1917.it/original.htm "Il testo originale è il Sommario del Codice di Diritto Canonico del Card. Vincenzo la Puma."
About Cardinal Vincenzo la Puma one can read here
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenzo_Lapuma The content of the summary of Canon 1325 one can find here
http://www.cdirittocanonico1917.it/online.htm http://www.cdirittocanonico1917.it/CIC1917ITA.PDF http://www.cdirittocanonico1917.it/originale/codex_03.pdf"
1325. I fedeli professeranno apertamente la fede quando il tacere è scandaloso. Un battezzato che dubita o nega con pertinacia una verità di fede, è eretico; se abbandona la fede, è apostata; se non ubbidisce al Papa o ricusa di comunicare con i membri soggetti alla Chiesa, è scismatico. Sono da evitarsi le dispute e conferenze specialmente pubbliche con gli acattolici senza permesso della S. Sede o ungendo, dell’Ordinario."
Interestingly, in this summary of Canon 1325 is nothing that heretics who, having been baptized, "
retain the name of Christians".
There is no Italy since 10th century (962)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy_in_the_Middle_AgesThese jewmasonic productions
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Italyhave nothing to do with Italy, so with Kingdom of Italy.
To translate the so-called Italian contents (if you want) use a translator (translation more or less)
https://translate.google.pl/?hl=pl#view=home&op=translate&sl=it&tl=enThis so-called English translation of 1917 Code of Canon Law (Imprimatur from July 3, 1918) page 272 and 290 in pdf format
https://archive.org/details/newcanonlaw00woywuoft/page/n4 (one can download it below in pdf format - download options) confirms the above.
About Fr. Stanislaus Woywod, OFM one can read here on non-Christian website
https://hnp.org/who-we-are/our-friars/deceased-friars/stanislaus-woywod/"PART IV. THE TEACHING AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH.
1168.(...) A baptized Christian, who calls himself a Christian, yet obstinately denies or calls into doubt any of the truths to be believed by Divine and Catholic faith, is a heretic; if he abandons the Christian faith altogether he is called an apostate; if, finally, he refuses to be subject to the Supreme Pontiff, or to have communication with the members of the Church subject to the Roman Pontiff, he is
a schismatic. (...) (Canon 1325.)"
If I translate correctly then this so-called French translation of 1917 Code of Canon Law (Imprimatur from June 19, 1922) page 359 and 387 on the bar
http://www.theologica.fr/!_Droit_Canonique/CodedeDtCanonique_1917/codedudroitcanon%201917%20%20MODIFICATIONS.pdf confirms the above.
IV. Confesser sa loi. 2. Le baptisé qui nie une vérité de foi catholique ou qui en doute obstinément est hérétique. L'hérésie requiert, de la part de l'intelligence, une erreur contre la foi catholique et, de la part de la volonté, le refus obstiné de soumettre son jugement à l'enseignment de l'Église. Le baptisé qui renonce totalement à la foi chrétienne est apostat'., s'il refuse de se soumettre au Pape ou de com- muniquer avec les fidèles soumis au Pape, il est schismatique. c. 1325, § 2."
If I translate correctly then in this so-called French translation of 1917 Code of Canon Law
http://catho.org/9.php?d=bo0 there is no heresy. In canon 1325 §2 it is mentioned that anyone who after having received the Holy Baptism retains the name of Christian before he started obstinately denies some of the Truths of the Divine and Catholic Faith which must be believed, or in doubt.
"1325p.2 Toute personne qui après avoir reçu le baptême et tout en conservant le nom de chrétien, nie opiniâtrement quelqu'une des vérités de la foi divine et catholique qui doivent être crues, ou en doute, est hérétique; si elle s'éloigne totalement de la foi chrétienne, elle est apostat; si enfin elle refuse de se soumettre au Souverain Pontife et de rester en communion avec les membres de l'Eglise qui lui sont soumis, elle est schismatique."
There are other websites that confirms the above
http://www.clerus.org/clerus/dati/2001-03/20-6/CIC17l3.html#_Toc509674674https://laportelatine.org/bibliotheque/DroitCanon1917/livre_troisieme/cic1917_1322_1326.phpThere is probably no France since August 9, 1830 (with breaks for the anti-French revolution, directorate and two Bonapartes when there was no France).
To translate the so-called French contents (if you want) use a translator (translation more or less)
https://translate.google.pl/?hl=pl#view=home&op=translate&sl=fr&tl=enMaybe this code is heretical because it was wrong translated, just like the infallibility of the Pope, the definition of heretics and the definition of usury from heretically translated in this regard the so-called Polish translation of the Catechism of Saint Pope Pius X (Warsaw 1908, "Imprimatur" from 1906)
maybe this code is a fake.
"The Commentary on the new Code of Canon Law from 1917"
To the Canon 1262 (Separate seats for men and women in church)
To § 1. "Conformable to ancient discipline, it is desirable that the women should be separated from the men in church. The very division of the ancient basilica singled out the vestibule for the penitents; the catechumens were usually admitted to the rear of the nave; the faithful occupied the side aisles, the men on the right side of the entrance, the women on the left. (...) In this country it will, we fear, be difficult to carry out this "desire" of the Church, on account of our custom of family pews. (thus the phrase "in this country" means the state of Missouri or USA because this Commentary on the new Code of Canon Law was written by the fr. P. Chas. "Augustine, O.S.B., D.D. Professor of Canon Law", B. Herder Book Co. 17 South Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. and 68, Great Russell St., London, W. C. from 1921 with "Imprimatur" from 22 November 1920 by "Archiepiscopus of Sti. Ludovici (St. Louis)" Joannes J. Glennon, Printed in U. S. A., Original from University of Wisconsin, digitized by google, one can download this Commentary from
https://ia600306.us.archive.org/1/items/1917CodeOfCanonLawCommentary/1917CodeOfCanonLawCommentary.pdf "In this country it will, we fear, be difficult to carry out this "desire" of the Church, on account of our custom of family pews." - maybe this excerpt from this commentary on the new Code of Canon Law is a fake like the "Canon 1325 §2". This as if a justification is unserious and ridiculous.
- my note)".
Who of impersonating persons under Sedevacantist Priests have written anything about this who is a Christian and who is not ?
The following Catholic Catechisms confirm this all.
The Douay Catechism of 1649 by Henry Tuberville, D.D.
https://www.remnantnewspaper.com/The%20Douay%20Catechism%20of%201649.pdfpage 1 "CHAP. 1. What a Christian is: And of the Blessed Trinity."
"Q. 2. Whom understand you by a Christian ?
A. Him that inwardly believes and outwardly professes the law of
protestants and orthodoxes do not fulfill these conditions.
The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church page 6 and 4 on the bar
https://isidore.co/calibre#book_id=4363&panel=book_details- so-called Polish, page 6 and 6 on the bar
http://www.ultramontes.pl/bellarmin_katechizm_mn.pdfTo translate the so-called Polish contents (if you want) use a translator (translation more or less)
https://translate.google.pl/?hl=pl#view=home&op=translate&sl=pl&tl=en"Rozdział: O tym kim jest Chrześcijanin, i o Znaku Krzyża Świętego
Uczeń: Cóż to jest być Chrześcijaninem ?
Nauczyciel: Jest to wyznawać Wiarę i Prawo Chrystusa Pana."
- so-called English, this is not English. The best proof of this is The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church
https://isidore.co/calibre#book_id=4363&panel=book_details , England hath not existed since December 11, 1688.
Chapter: About this who a Christian is, and about the Sign of the Holy Cross
Student: What is it to be a Christian ?
Teacher: It is to profess the Faith and the Law of Christ the Lord.
The Larger Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Unfortunately I could not find a link to this Catechism in so-called English. It is interesting, isn't it ?
Interestingly, on the "CMRI" website there are none of the Catholic Church Catechisms which I am writing here about that contain the definition of a Christian
https://miqcenter.com/collections/books/Catechisms- so-called Polish, page 11 and 11 on the bar
http://www.ultramontes.pl/Katechizm_Bellarmina.pdf"Rozdział II: Wykład Znaku Krzyża Świętego
Uczeń: Na co czynimy Znak Krzyża Świętego ?
Nauczyciel: Najprzód, na okazanie iż jesteśmy Chrześcijanami to jest żołnierzami Najwyższego Wodza naszego Chrystusa: bo Znak Krzyża Świętego, jest jakby znamię lub barwa, i odróżnia żołnierzy Chrystusowych od wszystkich nieprzyjaciół Kościoła Świętego, to jest pogan, żydów, turków, i wszystkich kacerzów. (...)"
- so-called English, this is not English. The best proof of this is The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church
https://isidore.co/calibre#book_id=4363&panel=book_details , England hath not existed since December 11, 1688.
Chapter II: The explanation of the Sign of the Holy Cross
Student: What do we do the Sign of the Holy Cross for ?
Teacher: First, to show that we are Christians this is the soldiers of the Supreme Commander of our Christ: because the Sign of the Holy Cross, is like a mark or color, and distinguishes the soldiers of Christ from all enemies of the Holy Church, this is pagans, jews, turks, and all the heretics. (...)
The Short Catechism of Saint Pope Pius X
Unfortunately I could not find a link to this Catechism in so-called English. It is interesting, isn't it ?
Interestingly, on the "CMRI" website there are none of the Catholic Church Catechisms which I am writing here about that contain the definition of a Christian
https://miqcenter.com/collections/books/Catechisms- so-called Polish, page 5 and 12 on the bar
http://www.ultramontes.pl/sw_pius_x_katechizmy.htm"Część Pierwsza: O głównych Prawdach Wiary
Rozdział I: O znaku Krzyża świętego.
P. Czy dość być ochrzczonym, aby być prawdziwym chrześcijaninem ?
O. Aby być prawdziwym chrześcijaninem, nie dość jest być ochrzczonym; potrzeba jeszcze wyznawać naukę i prawo Jezusa Chrystusa, należeć do Kościoła Jego, jakim jest Kościół święty katolicki i być posłusznym prawym Pasterzom tego Kościoła."
- so-called English, this is not English. The best proof of this is The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church
https://isidore.co/calibre#book_id=4363&panel=book_details , England hath not existed since December 11, 1688.
Part One: About the main Truths of Faith
Chapter I: About the sign of the Holy Cross.
Q. Is it enough to be baptized to be a true Christian ?
A. To be a true Christian, it is not enough to be baptized; it is still necessary to profess the teaching and law of Jesus Christ, belong to His Church, which is the Holy Catholic Church, and obey the true Shepherds of that Church.
The Larger Catechism of Saint Pope Pius X, page 10 and 8 on the bar
https://archive.org/details/CatechismOfSaintPopePiuxXTheSt.PiusX/page/n7"3 Q. Who is a true Christian ?
A. A true Christian is he who is baptized, who believes and professes the Christian Doctrine, and obeys the lawful pastors of the Church."
Saint John Chrysostom, Father of the Church and Doctor of the Church, Bishop
- so-called Polish
"Nic tak nie gubi Chrześcijan jak to, że tych za Chrześcijan uważają, którzy się za takich przedstawiają. Jeśli to niezawodna, że są fałszywi chrześcijanie, to albo on jest fałszywym Chrześcijaninem albo ty. Jeśli nie ty, to on; jeśli ty, to nie on. Jeśli on, to po co go masz za Chrześcijanina, skoro wiadomo: że chrześcijaninem nie jest, kogo Bóg za swego syna nie uznaje. Jakże ty masz go za brata ?".
www.ultramontes.pl/Chryzostom_1.htm- so-called English, this is not English. The best proof of this is The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church
https://isidore.co/calibre#book_id=4363&panel=book_details , England hath not existed since December 11, 1688.
"Nothing loses Christians as this that they consider those as Christians who present themselves Christians to be such. If it is reliable that there are false Christians, then either he is a false Christian or you. If not you, then he; if you, then not he. If he, then why do you consider him as a Christian, since it is known: that he is not a Christian, whom God does not recognize as His son. How so do you consider him as a brother ?"
To translate the so-called Polish contents (if you want) use a translator (translation more or less)
https://translate.google.pl/?hl=pl#view=home&op=translate&sl=pl&tl=enBelow photos of the heresy of Christianity of heretics (protestantism and orthodoxy) by mr. Pivarunas ("CMRI") disguised as a bishop - just in case...
I do not know how to insert a photo from the disk. Please write an e-mail in a private message then the whole document with an evidential photo will be sent.
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