Dzięki ATW :-)
Z tego co wiem blisko jest też Birmingham.
Czy dobrze rozumiem z tej rozpiski, ze w Warwickshire są tylko w czwartek?
Co jak co, ale Anglia jakoś słabo wypada z tradycyjnymi Mszami Św.'s Catholic Church
Abingdon Road, Leicester LE2 1HA
tel. 020 8946 7916
Mass times and Confession:
On all Sundays of the month, a Latin Mass will be offered at 5.30pm. Tea & biscuits are available afterwards in the upstairs room, and a chance to meet others / view the books for sale.
Confessions will start half an hour before Mass.
Masses for Holy Days of Obligation:
Circumcision Jan.1st
Epiphany Jan. 6th
Corpus Christi
SS Peter & Paul Jun 29th
Assumption August 15th
All Saints Nov.1st
Christmas Day Dec. 25th.
Summary of Mass times:
Sun. Dec. 22nd 5.30pm 4th Sunday of Advent
Wed. Dec. 25th
The Nativity of Our Lord - Holyday of Obligation
Sun. Dec. 29th 5.30pm Sunday within the Octave of Christmas
Wed. Jan. 1st 5.30pm Feast of the Circumcision - Holyday of Obligation
Sun. Jan. 5th 5.30pm Most Holy Name of Jesus
Mon. Jan. 6th 11.00am Epiphany of The Lord - Holyday of Obligation
Sun. Jan. 12th 5.30pm Feast of the Holy Family - 1st Sunday after Epiphany
Sun. Jan. 19th 5.30pm 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Sun. Jan. 26th 5.30pm 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Sun. Feb. 2nd 5.30pm 4th Sunday after Epiphany
Sun. Feb. 9th 5.30pm 5th Sunday after Epiphany
Sun. Feb. 16th 5.30pm Septuagesima Sunday
Sun. Feb. 23rd 5.30pm Sexagesima Sunday
Sun. Mar. 2nd 5.30pm Quinquagesima Sunday
Sun. Mar. 9th 5.30pm First Sunday in Lent
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