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Autor Wątek: Choroba psychiczna czyli opętanie dyabelskie ?  (Przeczytany 859 razy)
Hugues de Payns
Wiadomości: 161

« dnia: Czerwca 14, 2020, 14:18:26 pm »

Poniższą treść proszę  sobie przetłómaczyć (tłómaczenie mniey więcey, zaznaczać y kopiować całe części textu) tu
Proszę o wyrozumiałość, iż poniższy text iest w ięzyku w którym iest.

Ewangelia według Ś. Mateusza [17:14-20], Ewangelia według Ś. Marka [9:13-28], Ewangelia według Ś. Łukasza [9:37-44], Dzieje Apostolskie [19:13-17].

Nie tylko Kapłani Katoliccy abo Egzorcyści mogą wyrzucać dyabły ale takoż osoby świeckie. Skuteczność Egzorcyzmu zależy od siły y wielkości Wiary tego który wypędza dyabła, tudzież inszey osoby która prosi o Egzorcyzm. Nie zawżdy kiedy się chce Egzorcyzm działa, często wypędzenie związane iest z ciężką pracą.

Ewangelia według Ś. Mateusza [7:21-23], Ewangelia według Ś. Marka [9:37-39] źli, apostaci (n. p. Julian apostata według Ś. Grzegorza Nazyazeńskiego y Teodora) y heretycy między poganami na potwierdzenie iakiegoś artykułu Katolickiey Wiary takoż mogą wyrzucać czarty, ale nigdy aby podeprzeć iakiś artykuł nauki swey obłędney, potworney (nigdy się tak nie stało y nie stanie).

Pewien rodzay czartów można wypędzać tylko modlitwą y postem.

Egzorcyzmy Kościoła Katolickiego są z Pismem Świętym zgodne, które do Imienia Pana Jezusowego przydawaią posty y modlitwy rozliczne, na wygnanie czartów. Bo tych do tego potrzeba, a nie samey Wiary. Obowiązuiącym obecnie Rytuałem Egzorcyzmów iest Rytuał Rzymski z 1614 r. iednak chyba nie iest konieczne iego używanie w określonych okolicznościach. Imiona Świętych wzywane nad opętanymi maią moc nad czartami y mogą wyganiać czarty z opętanych tudzież ich Relikwie maią moc nad czartami. Może bydź tudzież iakiś powód dla czego Pan Jezus nie udziela Swoiey łaski n. p. próżna chwała abo zysk iakiś przy braku dufania do własnych sił.

Mental illness or diabolic possession ?

Is a mental illness only a figment of imagination made (e.g. by jews) for deception as to a diabolic possession ? I do not mean congenital diseases such as the down syndrome.

I do not believe contemporary medicine made by jews (e.g. vaccinations). satan with the hands of the jews could invent a term of the mental illness so that you do not throw it away from a possessed person. I do not believe the world, including contemporary medicine and doctors. I believe them only to some extent. I believe only the Lord God and His Catholic Church.

The following content is on the SSPX website ( ) with the alleged amendments of Pope Pius XI from 1926 and Pius XII from 1952 in the heading

- so-called Polish

"Rzut oka na nowy ryt egzorcyzmów": "(...) do tekstu dotyczącego egzorcyzmów wprowadzono tylko dwie – bardzo nieznaczne – poprawki: za pontyfikatu Piusa XI oraz Piusa XII3." ? Przypis 3. "Polegały one na dodaniu nazw niektórych zaburzeń psychicznych, które egzorcysta powinien odróżnić od opętania (1926) oraz na zmianie sformułowania dot. diagnozy: z „oznakami opętania są” na „oznakami opętania mogą być” (1952).".

- so-called English, this is not English. The best proof of this is The Smaller Catechism of Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmin Bishop and Doctor of the Church , England hath not existed since December 11, 1688.

"A glance at the new rite of exorcisms": "(...) only two - very minor - amendments were introduced to the text concerning exorcisms: during the Pontificate of Pius XI and Pius XII3." ? Footnote 3. "They consisted in addition of names of some mental disorders that the exorcist should distinguish from possession (1926) and the change in the wording concerning the diagnosis: from "signs of possession are" on "signs of possession can be" (1952).".

To translate the content from the above-mentioned page (if you want), use a translator (translation more or less)

I have serious doubts whether these Popes introduced such amendments.

The Pope probably does not know about illnesses and is not infallible as for them. The exorcist also hath no knowledge of illnesses, so how can he distinguish them ? Therefore an addition of names of some mental disorders that the exorcist should distinguish from possession is absurd.

The conclusion from all this is that some, if not many, if not most or all so-called mental disorders can be actually a diabolical possession.

The author of the article does not know the answer to the following question, SSPX too.

What is the content of the amendment of Pope Pius XI from 1926 and its source (link to page, photo, etc.) ?

The author of the article pointed to the book of fr. Rene Laurentin and wrote that he had not compared the editions of Rituale Romanum.

The quoted quotation of the 3rd footnote probably comes from the book of fr. Rene Laurentin entitled "Satan. Myth or reality ?". fr. Laurentin was a known propagator of false revelations in Medjugorje. He was an expert of the second vatican council. He hath contributed to the development of the antidogmatic anti-Constitution "Lumen gentium". He was associated with the  1958 sect. antipope Benedict XVI appointed him an antiprelate on April 30, 2009 .

According to mr. Rama P. Coomaraswamy disguised as a priest in the article "Vaticanum II" fr. Rene Laurentin was in the circle of periti this is experts who were almost invariably members of the neomodernist camp. The list of these periti would contain almost all the heretical teologians of the post-conciliar church, among whom is fr. Rene Laurentin.

From the former Polish lands (Poland hath not been since November 14, 1918 when the Regency Council, dissolving itself, handed over the Polish nation to the jews through Joseph Piłsudski, who was a jewmason) . The following content from the articles one can more or less translate here,psychiatra-opetanie-to-znana-medycynie-choroba-ale-nie-leczy-sie-jej-spowiedzia-to-zagrozenie-dla-ludzkiego-zycia

"Depresja, schizofrenia, uzależnienia i inne problemy psychiczne, to zdaniem dr Dominiki Skrok-Wolskiej ze Szpitala Wojewódzkiego w Świeciu efekt... działania demona."

Depression, schizophrenia, addictions and other mental problems are, according to Dr Dominika Skrok-Wolska from the Provincial Hospital in Świecie, the effect of the demon's actions.,chcialabym-wiedziec-czy-w-karcie-choroby-juz-wpisuje-sie-w-polsce-opetanie-przez-diabla

"Jego gościem była Dominika Skrok-Wolska, lekarka psychiatra i neurolożka, z doktorskim tytułem. Zatrudniona, jak twierdzi w szpitalu w Świeciu i przyjmująca, jak zrozumiałam, w przyszpitalnej poradni.

Przez dwie godziny rzeczona pani perorowała, z naukową swadą o tym, że większość jej pacjentów to ludzie opętani lub dręczeni, bądź też zniewoleni przez szatana i inne złe duchy. Jej zdaniem, takie choroby jak: depresja, stany psychotyczne, schizofrenia, choroba dwubiegunowa, uzależnienia i zaburzenia kompulsywno - obsesyjne, są spowodowane przez działanie demona."

His guest was Dominika Skrok-Wolska, a psychiatrist and neurologist, with a PhD title. Employed, as she claims in the hospital in Świecie, and the recipient, I understood, in the hospital outpatient clinic.

For two hours, the lady was declaiming, with a scientific glibness that most of her patients were people possessed or tormented, or enslaved by satan and other evil spirits. In her opinion, diseases such as depression, psychotic states, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, addictions and compulsive-obsessive disorders are caused by the action of the demon.

Schizophrenia (in "History" heading)

"The history of schizophrenia is complex and does not lend itself easily to a linear narrative.[191] Accounts of a schizophrenia-like syndrome are thought to be rare in historical records before the 19th century, although reports of irrational, unintelligible, or uncontrolled behavior were common." (Perhaps the key to the truth is already here. Perhaps the jews, in order to deceive, called demonic possession: "schizophrenia".)

"A detailed case report in 1797 concerning James Tilly Matthews, and accounts by Philippe Pinel published in 1809, are often regarded as the earliest cases of the illness in the medical and psychiatric literature.[192]" (Interestingly, case report and published accounts are the earliest cases of disease in the medical and psychiatric literature after the founding of freemasonry in 1717 and revolutionary deeds in the world.)

"The Latinized term dementia praecox was first used by German alienist Heinrich Schule in 1886 and then in 1891 by Arnold Pick in a case report of a psychotic disorder (hebephrenia)."

"Przed Schülem zaobserwował do Charles Darwin[5]."

Charles Darwin observed this before Schule[5]. (Charles Darwin - maker of the theory of evolution of human origin from the monkey)

"Ponieważ był wielkim miłośnikiem Goethego, na jego nagrobku znajduje się wers z Pieśni nocnego wędrowca, „über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh”[7]."

Because he was a great fan of Goethe, on his tombstone there is a verse from the Song of the Night Wanderer, "über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh" [7]. (in "Religion and politics" heading)

"Goethe was a Freemason, joining the lodge Amalia in Weimar in 1780, and frequently alluded to Masonic themes of universal brotherhood in his work.[98] Although often requested to write poems arousing nationalist passions, Goethe would always decline. In old age, he explained why this was so to Eckermann: (...)" (I do not know if it is true)

"Arnold Pick (20 July 1851 – 4 April 1924) was a Jewish Czech psychiatrist." (in "History" heading)

"In 1893 Emil Kraepelin borrowed the term from Schule and Pick and in 1899 introduced a broad new distinction in the classification of mental disorders between dementia praecox and mood disorder (termed manic depression and including both unipolar and bipolar depression).[193] Kraepelin believed that dementia praecox was probably caused by a long-term, smouldering systemic or "whole body" disease process that affected many organs and peripheral nerves in the body but which affected the brain after puberty in a final decisive cascade.[194]" (in "Education and career" heading)

"In 1912 at the request of the DVP (Deutscher Verein für Psychiatrie) (German Association for Psychiatry)[7] - of which he was the head from 1906-1920 - he began plans to establish a centre for research. Following a large donation from the Jewish German-American banker James Loeb, who had at one time been a patient, and promises of support from "patrons of science", the German Institute for Psychiatric Research was founded in 1917 in Munich.[8][9] Initially housed in existing hospital buildings, it was maintained by further donations from Loeb and his relatives. In 1924 it came under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science. The German American Rockefeller family's Rockefeller Foundation made a large donation enabling the development of a new dedicated building for the institute, along Kraepelin's guidelines, which was officially opened in 1928.[6]"

"In the later period of his career, as a convinced champion of social Darwinism, he actively promoted a policy and research agenda in racial hygiene and eugenics.[10]"

"In the last years of his life, Kraepelin was preoccupied with Buddhist teachings and was planning to visit Buddhist shrines at the time of his death, according to his daughter, Antonie Schmidt-Kraepelin.[11]" (in "History" heading)

"It is sometimes argued that the use of the term démence précoce in 1852 by the French physician Bénédict Morel constitutes the medical discovery of schizophrenia. This account ignores the fact that there is little to connect Morel's descriptive use of the term and the independent development of the dementia praecox disease concept at the end of the nineteenth century.[196]" (in "Biography" heading)

"In 1856 he was appointed director of the mental asylum at Saint-Yon in Rouen."

Catechism of Cardinal Gasparri p. 232 and 132 on the bar (in Appendix II)

"Again, the Sacred Congregation of the Council, on March 15, 1851, corrected a declaration of the Provincial Synod of Rouen, which forbade children to make their First Communion before their twelfth year."

And from another website (in "History" heading)

"The word schizophrenia—which translates roughly as "splitting of the mind" and comes from the Greek roots schizein (σχίζειν, "to split") and phrēn, phren- (φρήν, φρεν-, "mind")[197]—was coined by Eugen Bleuler in 1908 and was intended to describe the separation of function between personality, thinking, memory, and perception."

"Paul Eugen Bleuler (/ˈblɔɪlər/;[1] German: [ˈɔɪɡeːn ˈblɔɪlər]; 30 April 1857 – 15 July 1939)[2] was a Swiss psychiatrist and eugenicist[3] most notable for his contributions to the understanding of mental illness. He coined many psychiatric terms, such as"schizophrenia",[4][5] "schizoid",[6] "autism",[7] depth psychology and what Sigmund Freud called "Bleuler's happily chosen term ambivalence".[8] "   (in "Early life" heading)

It is possible that Francis Galton (a maker of the term of eugenics) was a freemason.

"According to the records of the United Grand Lodge of England, it was in February 1844 that Galton became a freemason at the Scientific lodge, held at the Red Lion Inn in Cambridge, progressing through the three masonic degrees: Apprentice, 5 February 1844; Fellow Craft, 11 March 1844; Master Mason, 13 May 1844. A note in the record states: "Francis Galton Trinity College student, gained his certificate 13 March 1845".[15] One of Galton's masonic certificates from Scientific lodge can be found among his papers at University College, London.[16] " (I do not know if it is true)

I can not add footnotes 15 and 16, I do not know why. See them in the above link.

Maybe that is why the movie "A Beautiful Mind" was made - in order to a further deception. Please consider the title of the movie for the disease the main character suffers from - schizophrenia. Please note how many and what prizes and nominations this movie hath got .

Compulsive-obsessive disorders (in "History" heading)

"The English term obsessive-compulsive comes from the translated term used to describe the first conceptions of OCD by Carl Westphal, "zwangsvorstellung". Westphal's description went on to influence Pierre Janet who further documented features of OCD.[29] "

"He was married to Klara, daughter of the banker Alexander Mendelssohn."

"Alexander Mendelssohn (* 19. September 1798 in Berlin; † 25. Oktober 1871 ebenda) war ein deutsch-jüdischer Bankier aus der Familie Mendelssohn."

(in "Leben" heading)

"Mit dieser hatte er die Töchter Marie, Margarete, Alexandrine sowie Clara und die Söhne Hermann, Verlagsbuchhändler in Leipzig, Adolph und Franz, beide Bankiers, sowie Wilhelm, Landwirt." (in "History" heading)

"In the early 1910s, Sigmund Freud attributed obsessive–compulsive behavior to unconscious conflicts that manifest as symptoms.[112]"

"Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire. He qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1881 at the University of Vienna.[5][6]"

Please press the "F3" key or "ctrl+F" on the keyboard and enter "jew".

Please read a "Religion" heading.
Wiadomości: 5780

Tolerancja ???, Nie toleruję TOLERANCJI!!!

« Odpowiedz #1 dnia: Czerwca 14, 2020, 14:27:20 pm »

Panie rycerz. Jeszcze raz wrzuci Pan nieprzetłumaczony tekst i się pożegnamy.
Fakt, że Franciszek ma genialny pomysł na naprawę łodzi Piotrowej - skoro do połowy wypełniona jest ona wodą, to wybicie dziury w dnie sprawi że woda się wyleje. W wannie zawsze działa...(vanitas)

Ignorancja katolików to żyzna gleba, na której gęsto wzrasta chwast herezji.

Jezuitów należy skasować
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