bp Kozik panem ? Hmmm http://www.fisheaters.com/forums/index.php?topic=836656.0 Mgr. Roger Jean-Marie Kozik, bishop of the Fraternité Notre Dame, was consecrated by:a) priest by an independent bishop (Jean Laborie) in 1974.b) bishop at Palmar de Troya, an apparitionist sect in Spain of Antipope Gregory XVII, now of Antipope Peter II. Later he was sub conditione consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc.He is thus a valid bishop, but I cannot say we should accept him, as he claims to be having messages etc. He is a weir mixture of independent vagans clergy, apparitionism and conservatism.The vestments of the FND don't seem traditional to me. I guess this is another independent bishop.I think in their attitude they focus around their apparitionism totally. Their bishop is referred to as a "good pontiff", not as the pope, but it seems like a group focused upon Kozik, who himself is from the Palmar sect.Therefore we should avoid them. There is no clear, sound, funded tradiitonalist Roman Catholic statement on the website. It's just their group.They do very good work though in many American suburbs. They are a charity institute.But avoid their spiritual apostolate, as it is extremely apparitionist and personality (Kozik) centered, not traditionalist in itself, though they use the Tridentine rite in some ways:
Z tego co wiem, to Thuca uznano za niepoczytalnego
A co z tymi widzeniami we Frechou? Na jednym z podanych przez pana forum było napisane, że Kozik ma prywatne widzenia.Czy o tę książkę chodzi? http://merlin.pl/Znak-na-niebie-Objawienia-Matki-Bozej_Joachim-Bouflet-Philippe-Boutry/browse/product/1,206234.html