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The traditional Ambrosian rite is celebrated at least once a week in a church in Milano.The Lyons rite as well, not in his solemn forms but at least as low masses, in Lyons.The Sarum rite has been celebrated from time to time in England, but not on a regular basis.The same with the 18th century parisian rite.
Laudetur Jesus Christus!I'm from Poland, I'm interested in western liturgy.After reform of Holy Week made by pope Pius XII was anything changes inDominican rite or only reform was in roman rite?Altough the initial reform of the Easter Rites affected only the Roman Rite, the Dominican Order requested permission to adopt certain changes into the Dominican Rite. Most of these were incorporated by 1958, when new Holy Week books were printed for the Dominican RiteIt is used name of Holy Joseph in Kanon in Diminican rite?There was never any request made or permission given to add the name of Joseph to the Canon. Nevertheless, nearly every friar priest did so after the change was made. Finally, it was retroactively approved for inclusion in 1965.In Dominican rite have You got your own Liturgy of Hours and Chant or Youuse Brevarium Romanum and Gregorian Chant?The Dominican Office was also different from the Roman and dates to 1254. The chant is also unique to the Dominican Rite. But the Dominican is part of the same family of Latin uses as the Roman. The last edition of the Dominican Breviary was published in 1962. The last Dominican Breviary with the medieval Psalm order was published in 1909. After that the order adapted the new Roman psalm order of Pius X.Do You know if there are used another traditional western rites in theworld? (I'm interested especially in lion, Bragan, mozarabic, Kartusian andpremonstratentian rite).I believe that only the Carthusians regularly use their ancient rite, which was modernized after Vatican II. Some small traditionalist groups in union with Rome are trying to revive the Carmelite Rite. I don't know about the others.I have written extensively on the Dominican Rite at:
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Ciekawa sytuacja jest w LUPD gdyż na liturgii Jana Chryzostoma konsekruje się więcej prosfor ale nie przechowuje się wina! Znaczy, na LUPD komunie przyjmuje się jak zawsze czyli zatopione we Krwi cząsteczki Ciała Chrystusa. Ale wina się nie konsekruje, zatem tu jam nie wiem czy wino zostaje uświęcone (przemienione) poprzez kontakt z przeistoczoną prosforą czy pozostaje zwykłym winem.