Czy myśli Pan, że trzeba przynależeć do tzw. środowisk konserwatywnych, żeby pojąć deformacje doktrynalne NOMu ?
III. What about Cardinal Ottaviani's Letter?The Ottaviani Intervention is one of the most often peddled pieces of the so-called traditionalist movement. Cardinal Ottaviani expressed many concerns about the New Mass, and the so-called traditionalists have played this letter up very much. If you go to any site that rejects the Pauline Rite Mass, this letter by the Cardinal will probably be very prominent. Let us look parts of the letter and his most strenuous objection. This is tied into to objections to the Sacrifice of the Eucharist. Cardinal Ottaviani did have sincere problems with some of the changes, no doubt. He wrote this before New Mass was finalized: "The Novus Ordo Missae - considering the new elements, susceptible of widely differing evaluations, which appear to be implied or taken for granted-represents, as a whole and in detail, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass as it was formulated in Session XXIII of the Council of Trent. . . . Therefore, we most earnestly beseech your Holiness not to deprive us--at a time of such painful divisions and ever-increasing perils for the purity of the Faith and the unity of the Church--of the possibility of continuing to have recourse to the fruitful integrity of that Missale Romanum of St. Pius V, so highly praised by your Holiness and so deeply venerated and loved by the whole Catholic Church" (In Triumph. December, 1969). The first thing to note that this criticism was leveled before the final version of the Pauline Rite Mass was completed. However, few of those in the schismatic circles who circulate the "Ottaviani Intervention", publish Cardinal Ottaviani comments on the final version of the Pauline Rite Mass AFTER IT WAS OFFICIALLY PROMULGATED. Pope Paul VI gave two general audiences in regards to the Pauline Rite Mass. Cardinal Ottaviani responded to this by writing: "I have REJOICED PROFOUNDLY to read the Discourse by the Holy Father on the question of the new Ordo Missae, and ESPECIALLY THE DOCTRINAL PRECISIONS CONTAINED IN HIS DISCOURSES at the public Audiences of November 19 and 26, after which I believe, NO ONE CAN ANY LONGER BE GENUINELY SCANDALIZED. As for the rest, a prudent and intelligent catechesis must be undertaken to solve some legitimate perplexities which the text is capable of arousing. In this sense I wish your 'Doctrinal Note' [on the Pauline Rite Mass] and the activity of the Militia Sanctae Mariae WIDE DIFFUSION AND SUCCESS." (Whitehead, 129, Letter from his eminence Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani to Dom Gerard Lafond, O.S.B., in Documentation Catholique, #67, 1970, pages 215-216 and 343) The Cardinal Ottaviani published later yet another very relevant public statement in which he said: "The Beauty of the Church is equally resplendent in the variety of the liturgical rites which enrich her divine cult-when they are legitimate and conform to the faith. Precisely the LEGITIMACY OF THEIR ORIGIN PROTECTS AND GUARDS THEM AGAINST INFILTRATION OF ERRORS. . . .The PURITY AND UNITY OF THE FAITH is in this manner also UPHELD BY THE SUPREME MAGISTERIUM OF THE POPE THROUGH THE LITURGICAL LAWS." (In Cruzado Espanol, May 25, 1970)What was Cardinal Ottaviani's view of who truly followed the Roman Catholic faith? What was his view of the papacy? "The words of Christ 'feed my sheep' are words which have been addressed only to his vicar, and it follows that whoever would wish to be counted among the Flock of Christ must submit to the Universal Pastor appointed by Christ. No one can be a exception to this rule, not even Bishops." (Whitehead, 130, From Leroy Philippe, "Pierre a Parle," Chevaliers #32, 1976). The two ensuing letters by Cardinal Ottaviani, after "the Ottaviani intervention" have been a matter of public record for all to see. However, none of those who use this intervention as a way to smear the Pauline Rite Mass, ever let people in on the fact that Ottaviani subsequently wrote that no one could any longer be scandalized. The fact that people continue to publish his original attacks on the Pauline Rite Mass without letting anybody seeing his ensuing letters show deceit of the so-called Traditionalist movement. Maybe we can give the benefit of the doubt and say that many who do tout his original intervention do not know of his subsequent letters in which he affirmed the purity of the faith that was preserved in the Pauline Rite Mass; Nevertheless, these ensuing letters show that indeed that Cardinal Ottaviani did not end up holding the position of those who reject the Pauline Rite Mass. No doubt he was attached to the Tridentine Mass, and in fact now, for those who get indults, that is fine. But Cardinal Ottaviani in the end rejoiced over the fact that the Pauline Rite Mass was preserved and protected against the infiltration of errors and that the Supreme Magisterium upheld the purity and unity of the faith.
z Mszy odprawianej przez papieza nie zrezygnuje.
. Jak bede mial mozliwosc uczestnictwa w normalnej codziennie, to NOM przestanie dla mnie istniec.
np. św. ojciec Pio jest często przytaczany jako ten który NOMu nie celebrował, dlaczego by z kardynałem miało być inaczej?
Nie wiem, kto przytacza, ale św. o. Pio nie miał takiej możliwości, więc tu nie można nic przytaczać w tym kontekście.
Chciałbym żeby usunięto NOM, ale w zgodzie z papieżem, Stolicą Apostolską, jeśli teraz tego nie robi, to ja mam prawo uczestniczyć w tej Mszy jak najbardziej godnie.
Ciekawe co mają robić matki, których dzieci w maju przyszłego roku przystępują do komunii świętej
W odroznieniu od mszy niedzielnej uroczysta pierwsza komunia nie jest obowiazkiem sub gravi, ale zwyczajem. Mozna rownie dobrze przystapic do komuni na zwyklej mszy, bez calej tej pompy, prezentow, przyjec, fotografii, gosci, sukienek, garniturow, balang etc.
Cytat: tosia w Sierpnia 04, 2011, 01:40:54 amNie wiem, kto przytacza, ale św. o. Pio nie miał takiej możliwości, więc tu nie można nic przytaczać w tym kontekście. mimo to w Zawsze wierni nr 3/1999 (28) pojawia się akapicik pod tytułem "Ojciec Pio a Novus Ordo Missae"
Msza NOM ma tę wadę, że ani nie jest katolicka, ani nie jest niekatolicka. Pozbawiono jej istotnych elementów, ale nie wprowadzono w zamian elementów antykatolickich.
no nie wiem czy tak można powiedzieć. Co ma pan na myśli mówiąc "istotny element"? Bo jak na mój rozum, rzeczy są tym, czym są z istoty. Jeśli coś nie jest z istoty katolickie, to jest niekatolickie, a nie ani takie ani takie.
Przy czym dokonał pan rozróżnienia na niekatolickość i antykatolickość. Ale to raczej nic nowego do tematu nie wprowadza. Oczywiście zwykła niekatolickość to nie to samo co antykatolickość. Co nie zmienia faktu, że jeśli coś nie jest katolickie to jest niekatolickie. A nie ani takie ani takie.