Jednakże musza oni sie zastanowic nad tym, co w Soborze VII było dobre.
SH: So if you say that the proper way to interpret the Council is in the light of the “new philosophy,” how must the Church deal with this Council?HL: I will say, one day the Church should erase this Council. She will not speak of it anymore. She must forget it. The Church will be wise if she forgets this council.SH: Let me read it back to you from my notes. “The Church must erase this Council, not speak of it, forget it.”HL: Forget it, yes. As a blank – tabula rasa. Ah, you must excuse me, Stephen, I must go hear confessions before Mass. Please excuse me.
Cytat: Arcybiskup Atanazy SchneiderJednakże musza oni sie zastanowic nad tym, co w Soborze VII było dobre. Tissier de Mallerais SH: So if you say that the proper way to interpret the Council is in the light of the “new philosophy,” how must the Church deal with this Council?HL: I will say, one day the Church should erase this Council. She will not speak of it anymore. She must forget it. The Church will be wise if she forgets this council.SH: Let me read it back to you from my notes. “The Church must erase this Council, not speak of it, forget it.”HL: Forget it, yes. As a blank – tabula rasa. Ah, you must excuse me, Stephen, I must go hear confessions before Mass. Please excuse me.Arcybiskup Atanazy Schneider [niepotrzebne skreslić]:- kryptomodernista- ignorantCytujOskarżacie mnie o zło grzechu [...]W którym miejscu? "De occultis non iudicat ecclesia." Ekscelencja nie rozróżnia, że NOM jest obiektywnie zły? Mentalność getta? Ten człowiek nie ma zielonego pojęcia, co sie w Niemczech dzieje. FSSPX i ich kaplice to jest jedyne, co pozostało katolickie w tym kraju.
Oskarżacie mnie o zło grzechu [...]
Arcybiskup Atanazy Schneider [niepotrzebne skreslić]:- kryptomodernista- ignorant